

A Note from the Server Owner

As we know that during this season or before this season the server was hit by DDoS Attack from irresponsible people, we have tried to mitigate / reduce the impact of these attack attempts, but the attacker's hatred for the mcnity server has closed good faith to stop attacking. And maybe the best way is to close this server permanently or never to return, I strongly object to taking this action but this is the only way that can be passed.

I created this server on March 05, 2022, there are many bitter and sweet experiences that I have gone through on this server, and also many memories here from learning to be a minecraft server developer to being able to maintain MCNITY so far. We Thank you to those of you who have supported and encouraged us to always maintain this server, please apologize because we can only survive until this point.

The attacker's goal to make this server close has been completed, hopefully karma will touch their lives and minds. We'll Never Go Back.